Xtra Normal is a site and tool that I had heard of and knew the basics of. I never went back and tinkered with it because in my mind I was thinking, “How would I, as a first grade teacher, be able to use something like this?” It is because of that negative thought I wanted to focus on that site. Many times teachers and educators become so busy that they are looking for the easiest tools to use instead of ones that are engaging and motivational. I have found and thought of some very interesting ways to use Xtra Normal in my first grade classroom.
Presidents Day is only a few weeks away. Every year, I read several different books on several different presidents and have my students choose one to write about. They are given a cut out of that president and are told to color it and glue it to his or her writing. This is what I did in first grade and, for the most part, what these students did in kindergarten last year. I am guilty of this so I can say it, teachers need to get out of the comfort, easy zone and try to reach the learners. If a student has to do the same thing over and over again there will be no motivation or inspiration for the student to do his work. This is where Xtra Normal comes in. Instead of having the students write then illustrate, change the assignment up. Have the students work in pairs, creating a script or stream of thought. By doing this the students are working collaboratively and are learning from each other by working together in writing. Have the groups work with the teacher. Remember, most first graders are not quick when it comes to typing on a computer, though, they can probably beat you at any computer game. With the assistance of the teacher, type up the paper and allow the students to find the president the group wrote about. Now instead of illustrating using pencil, paper, and crayon the students are able to animate the group’s paper using the animated president. Since you have changed the assignment even a little, the students will have more motivation and will be more inspired to do the assignment. The teacher may even get more out of the students and the assignment as a whole.
Xtra Normal can also be used as a storybook. The students can either work in groups or as individuals creating a story about a topic they either choose or one that is chosen for the class. The students will be able to illustrate using the technology and then present the story to the class.
Whenever an educator can challenge himself or herself to try something different, he or she is also challenging the minds of others. When a mind is challenged great things will
come of it.image from Kate Finn's Xtra Normal movie
I, like you, have not given myself the time to explore Xtra Normal. Thank you for putting the challenge before each one of us to really explore the opportunities of these applications we are being exposed to. I was just thinking that I could use this with my fifth graders to summarize the unit we are currently studying. What a great way to assess what they have learned and document that learning as well.